(Dipresentasikan dalam
Call for Paper dan Seminar Nasional Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung,
14 Desember 2012)
Nur Hidayat
Konsultan Akuntansi
Perpajakan TAXAcc Consulting Bandung
Dosen Program Magister Akuntansi Universitas Pancasila Jakarta
Tax collection system reform undertaken since 1983, has drastically changed the
tax collection system which was originally adopted official assessment system
was changed to self assessment system.
One side, the Taxpayer (WP) was entrusted to calculate,
pay, and report its
own amount of tax that should be
payable, but on
the other hand, requires WP
to be ready to face the compliance testing for the taxes reported, i.e. facing
tax audit.
Substantive tax
audit is a necessity that
is more acceptable to the WP, but when more
priority aspects of the formality tax audit, WP often
cannot accept the correction tolerant of
the auditor.
auditor must be priority substance of accounting for uncovering correctness transactions.
Keywords: self assessment, substantive
tax audit, formality tax audit,
substance of accounting, and correctness
Penyajian laporan keuangan merupakan hasil akhir (output)
dari proses pembukuan (akuntansi),
dari laporan keuangan tersebut diharapkan dapat member-kan informasi dalam rangka memenuhi
kebutuhan informasi yang digunakan untuk kepentingan internal maupun kebutuhan eksternal, salah satu
kebutuhan eksternal yang sangat penting adalah